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Click the button now and discover how to overcome the most common trading challenges right now. With these easy fixes, you'll avoid these common missteps immediately...
Get this powerful online training program, Overcoming The 3 Biggest Trading Challenges, now and start learning within minutes for just $249 (regularly $399).
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Let Me Give You My Proven Strategies to Overcome These Trading Challenges… and Steer Clear of Problems
These are the challenges that give most traders nightmares...
- Challenge #1: When should I enter?
- Challenge #2 When should I exit?
- Challenge #3: How can I quickly get a watch list of the best trade opportunities?
With the new skills I will give you, you will have the ability to annihilate these challenges and move ahead in your trading – virtually overnight.
"Conquering The 3 Biggest
Trading Challenges"
Join Me Now And I’ll Show You How To Permanently Eliminate
The Most Common Problems Plaguing Traders At The Root
Of These 3 Biggest Trading Challenges
PROBLEM: “I can’t find the high probability trades quickly enough, so many times I’ve missed great opportunities”
Let me show you how to use my favorite candles and Western strategies to quickly pinpoint the best trading opportunities
PROBLEM: “I bought on a breakout only to have the market reverse and I took a huge loss”
When you attend you’ll see how simple it can be to use candlesticks to see potential problems to avoid bad trades
PROBLEM: “I lacked the confidence to act when I thought it was the right time, but then regretted not doing the trade afterwards”
You’ll love how following my proven candle strategies can quickly boost your confidence so you’ll always know you’re making a good decision
PROBLEM: “Sometimes I get into a trade and it just sits there, and 9 times out of 10 it will ultimately go against me.”
My risk/reward methods will virtually eliminate this problem, because you will stay away from risky trades to begin with, and will know when to jump out before it hurts you
PROBLEM: “I get out of winning trades too early”
By using Steve’s favorite short-term moving averages (based on testing 1 million combinations) to let you ride the new trend for maximum profits
PROBLEM: “I can’t make myself get out of a losing trade”
I’ll guide you through the process of setting up and using a trading journal to manage your trades before and after the trade to help you remove emotions from your trading
PROBLEM: “It takes me hours to find a specific list of markets to focus on”
You’ll see how we use Nison Candle Scanner to quickly filter out the best trade candidates in any market
PROBLEM: “I’m very indecisive when it comes to acting on confirmation after reversal candles”
Using my special candle price confirmation approach, you will have a simple – but very powerful – way to increase your confidence that the candle signal will work in your favor
PROBLEM: “I have a difficult time separating the short-term buy/sell signals from the truly significant long-term signals”
Let me give you a new way of setting up trades in the direction of the long-term trend to keep the wind at your back (this includes my unique definition of longer-term trends that I use for my institutional clients)
PROBLEM: “I want to identify as early as possible if a major support or resistance zone will hold or fail”
See how to dramatically improve your forecasting ability for support/resistance levels – this strategy is so potent and easy to apply, that you will use it whenever you trade!
Your Instructors For This Training
About Steve Nison
Steve Nison, CMT and inductee in the Traders Hall of Fame, is uniquely qualified to help you fully exploit the opportunities candlestick charts present to today’s markets. As a renowned author and speaker, he has the distinction of being the first to reveal candlesticks charts to the Western world.
Mr. Nison is not only the acknowledged master of these previously secret candlestick techniques, but is also an expert on Western technical analysis with over 30 years real world experience.
Regarded as one of the most foremost technical analysts in the world, Mr. Nison’s client list includes Fidelity, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, NYSE and NASDAQ market makers, hedge funds and money managers. He now teaches the public the same secret strategies previously reserved only for his institutional clients.
His work has been highlighted in The Wall Street Journal, Worth Magazine, Institutional Investor and Barron’s.
He has presented his trading strategies in 20 countries to traders from almost every investment firm on how to apply – and profit from – these methods. He has also lectured at numerous universities. And he was guest speaker at the World Bank and the Federal Reserve.
About Syl Desaulniers
Syl has been an independent trader and technical analyst for many years and was a former student of Syl uses his trading experience to teach traders and investors the proper use of Nison’s candlesticks, Western technical analysis and Trade Management. Syl is also at the forefront of providing support for the highly acclaimed Nison candlestick recognition software. As a Nison Certified Trainer™ Syl has the proven expertise and skills to provide quality education and support to ensure the best experience with products and services.
Here’s The Knowledge I Will Give You When You Get
“Conquering the 3 Biggest Trading Challenges” Right Now
- The key candle signals I look for… and how to profitably use them to enter and exit
- Avoiding a common and dangerous misuse of doji… see how other traders get caught in this trap, and how you can steer clear of it
- Understanding the right way to read shadows… and why doing it right can be critical to your trading success
- Option traders: gain a key timing advantage only available through a vital candle strategy
- Forex traders: how candles are different in FX, and how to use this to your benefit
- Learn Steve’s all-time most important favorite candle signal… and how you can use it to enhance your own results
- Get the two types of confirmation you should look for in every trade… and boost your confidence when these are met
- Using candles with trendlines… to magnify the strength of the signals for you
- How to identify a Change in Polarity… before other traders know what’s happening
- My “Crack and Snap” technique… a unique insight you won’t find anywhere else
- How to successfully trade breakouts… so you don’t get burned by false breakouts that burn most traders
- Know when to take profits… I’ll show you how to use candles to make it clear and easy
- The smart way to set protective stops… to minimize your potential losses and protect your trading account
- A clever way to free up trading capital… discover how to do it using time stops
- How to let your profits run to their max… it’s easy with my secret short-term Golden Cross strategy
- See how I set up a trading journal… and how you can use it to keep improving your trading success
- Why I use my Nison Candle Scanner software every day… and how you can use it yourself to quickly build a solid watch list to save time and energy
- Use the best moving average combinations – we tested more than 1 million combinations, and will give you the secret results!
- Why you should use a trading journal – you’ll see how to set it up and use it for greater profits
- How to quickly finding the best trade candidates in seconds – this is how we do it every day
Plus, Get This Powerful Strategy
Nison Candles Scanner™ + Our Bouncing Ball Trade Set-up
We will show you how we personally use the Nison Candle Scanner™ software to quickly scan through all the markets to find the best markets for our trades. Plus you will learn the secret “Bouncing Ball” trading strategy. A strategy so simple, but so powerful that you will use it time and time again – no matter what market you trade. (Value: $199, but it’s yours free as part of this event!)
These Strategies Work In Every Market
That’s one of the great things about candlestick charts. They truly are universal!
No matter what markets you trade… No matter what time frame you trade… You’ll walk away with methods and strategies that improve your trading and confidence levels.
Trader Feedback About Steve Nison's Training
The candles allow accurate, precise, earlier entries than anything else that I am aware of…it is almost like continuously ringing the cash register.
James Barret
Tom B.I am almost 62 … I am certain that the financial part of our retirement will be well secured and earlier than we had thought. Thank you Steve Nison!
If you are tired of working for your money and you want to learn how to make your money work for you…. Steve is the man!
Robert Turner
David M.My entire family is thankful for the great value I’ve received from the info from Steve Nison. Actually it may be one of the best investments I’ve ever made.
The Cost Of This Training May Be Tax Deductible
Check with your tax advisor about whether you can deduct the cost of this training on your taxes.
When you deduct the registration on your taxes, it’s like getting a huge discount on your tuition!
Get These Free Registration Bonuses
Bonus 1
One Full Year of Access to All of The Video Training – Normally, our online streaming video courses such as this are only offered with a one or two week license. But for a limited time we are offering you a full year of access for the same price. This means you will be able to go back to this training time after time to continue getting valuable tips on how to improve your options trading with these secret candlestick strategies.
($197 value, but it’s yours free!)
Bonus 2
Real World Case Studies – One of the most popular and most requested features for my training. To solidify and reinforce what you learned Steve custom designed a series of “what do you see?” and “what would you do?” questions. You’ll work with fellow traders and then hear Steve’s s his answers so you can see if they agree with your answers.
(Value: Priceless!)
Bonus 3
My Secret “Front Of The Line” Email Help – During the training I will give you my secret email address. This will give you unlimited access to me with your questions about what I teach you. When I receive your question at this email address, it will automatically be pushed to the “front of the line” and is the quickest way to get my attention!
(Value: Priceless!)
Bonus 4
Complete Course Materials in Convenient Printable Format – As a special bonus, you will have instant access to all of the charts I show you in the training videos, along with complete explanations to help you use the techniques in your own trading immediately. They are inside the training center in an easy-to-download and print PDF format. This is a valuable collection that will become your trusted reference tool!
($299 value, but it’s yours free!)
This Training Program Boosts Your Success In So Many Ways
- Add more profits to your bottom line
- Avoid those losing trades to prevent big drops in your trading account
- Perfect for those new to candlesticks… or those who want to stop those profit leaks that happen when you don’t use candlesticks correctly
- Applies to ALL MARKETS, and all time frames
- These strategies are great for day and swing traders… plus active investors who want to manage trading accounts as well as long term accounts
- No need to travel… learn from the comfort of your own home or office!
Check with your tax advisor about whether you can deduct the cost of this training on your taxes.
When you deduct the registration on your taxes, it’s like getting a huge discount on your tuition!

Try It 100% Risk-Free Right Now With My
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
I want you to see for yourself how beneficial and eye-opening this “Conquering The 3 Biggest Trading Challenges” training program can be for you.
That means you can order this training today… use it as much as you want to see how it will immediately give you new skills you can use tomorrow, and give you greater confidence in your trading decisions than you have right now… literally put it through the wringer for a FULL 30 DAYS. (Your 30-day trial period begins when you place your order.)
If you don’t agree that it’s everything I’ve promised… everything you hoped it would be… then simply return it for a full refund of your purchase price.
I guarantee you’ll be thrilled with this one-of-a-kind special training for traders like you!