How to explode your trading success and become more confident in any market
It's easy when you know how to properly combine Nison candlesticks and Western indicators
Register now to discover exactly how Steve Nison used a secret combination of Eastern and Western tools to get out of the market and avoid massive losses
If you want to discover my favorite methods of combining Western technical analysis tools with candlesticks...
then get this important training now to stay ahead of your trading competition.
“East + West: Finding The Highest Probability Trades”
You’ll receive all this special training to give you strategies to profit form the amazing combination of candle charts and Western indicators.
And it doesn’t matter what you trade or what time frame you trade… these methods are designed to help you see what other traders won’t see until it’s too late. It’s your chance to dominate!
Get all these little-known secrets
- Change of Polarity – Steve explains the psychology behind this tactic to show why it works so well
- Crack and Snap and Falling Off the Roof - Two of Steve’s all time favorite signals
- Candles and Bollinger Bands – A great way to tell if they market is ready to turn
- Candles and Oscillators – Not matter what oscillator you use (i.e. RSI, Stochastics or MACD) pay special attention to this section!
- Candles and Price Patterns – Candles don’t give price targets… Steve will show you how he uses various Western price patterns to get potential targets
- Candles and Volume – Why you must add volume to your analysis
- And much more...
Training Review:
David C. from Australia
“Steve, you’ll be pleased to know that immediately following your webcast we implemented a candle pattern strategy on our Newscorp option, and the very next day it went as expected. Thanks very much, the seminar has paid itself off the very next day!”
— David C. (Australia)
Plus, this free bonus information
During the course of this session I will be revealing the EXACT combination of candles and Western signals that told me to liquidate my stock portfolio on June 4, 2008, and then told me to enter the stock market in March 2009.
I’ll walk you through it step-by-step so you can see for yourself how using this “East/West” combination has saved me from losing a fortune.
Don’t miss this amazing bonus training information. There’s only one way to get it, and that’s to register for this training right now.
Frequently asked questions
Can I use these “Eastern and Western” combinations when I trade Forex?
Yes! These strategies will work in ANY market… and in ANY time frame. You’ll benefit from this information if you trade stocks, commodities, Forex, or anything else.
Will you be giving any materials such as handouts?
Yes! We will give you access to a file with all of the charts and slides I use during the training. This is a great desk reference for you to use while you’re trading.
How often can I view the training?
The recording can be viewed as often as you like for one full year. And you will have rights to view it on up to two computers.
Register now and get all this
- Access the training in our online Candlecharts Academy within moments
- View it on any connected device: computer, tablet, or smartphone
- Trade smarter almost overnight with these strategies

Who should register for this training
- Traders and investors who want to improve their confidence and success
- Traders who can identify and use basic candle patterns…and now want additional ways to improve their trading performance
- Those who want to see what Western tools I use in my own market analysis
- No matter what markets you trade…no matter what time frame you focus on…this training will help improve your results and boost your confidence!
Your instructor for this training...
Steve Nison, CMT
Regarded as one of the most foremost technical analysts in the world, Steve Nison’s has consulted for Fidelity, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, NYSE and NASDAQ market makers, hedge funds and money managers. His work has been highlighted in The Wall Street Journal, Worth Magazine, Institutional Investor and Barron's. Steve has also lectured at numerous universities. And he was guest speaker at the World Bank and the Federal Reserve.
How to get this training FREE
Members of our private trader community,, receive this and our other special topic training sessions absolutely free.
In addition to access to these special topic trainings, the also includes forums, daily updates, and many other valuable tools and services.
To learn more about, click here now. And if you choose to register for this membership site, you will receive access to this East + West training for free.
Discover how East + West: Finding The Highest Probability Trades gives you multiple ways to boost your confidence in your trades and gain an advantage over your competition right now
We make it easy to learn these methods, and you can begin in minutes
What Smart Traders Are Saying
About Training
- Peng V.![]()
“I have picked up many gems of knowledge which would have taken me many years of trading and much loss of capital to acquire for myself.”
- Bob D.![]()
"I wish I had had your information a month or so earlier. Spotting those turning points earlier could have saved me about $35,000 in lost profits. That could have bought me a fairly nice car."
- Miguel V.![]()
“The before and after is a remarkable change in my trading. I have more successful and safer trades than ever before.”
Grab East+West Today and Receive:

6 Specific Ways to Combine Candles with Western Technicals
Access on Any Device
Available in Minutes After You Register
Valuable for All Traders
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Plus Bonus Lifetime Access!
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