The Only Course To Take You From Candlestick Beginner To Expert
Watch This Short But Powerful Video To See How Steve Nison's Candlestick Training Helps You Gain More Confidence And Generate More Profits With Ease
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Get The Most Accurate and Comprehensive Candlestick Training Ever Created...
From Steve Nison, The Father Of Modern Candlesticks
The Candlesticks MegaPackage
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Now Available To Boost Your Trading Results:
The Candlesticks MegaPackage Training Program
As you probably know, I was the first to reveal candlestick charts to the West. And my goal is helping you become the best trader possible. How? By showing you how to fully exploit candlestick charts to help increase profits and decrease market. And to make sure you are using them correctly!
Steve Nison, President,
That is why I am excited to offer you my complete candlestick training program called The Candlesticks MegaPackage. Filmed in crystal clear clarity at my rare full day seminars, these training videos are so comprehensive ... so loaded with "ready-to-use" methods, tips, techniques, and ideas ... you'll be ready to trade like a pro! That’s because I divulge many of the very same secret trading tactics that I have taught to market makers, institutional traders and professional hedge fund and money managers around the world.
It’s a perfect way for any trader to start wherever you are right now and gain the skills and knowledge to become a candlestick expert. You will gain the confidence of knowing you are using candlesticks correctly to achieve supreme timing entering and exiting any market in any time frame (including options).
As seen in...

Here's Exactly What You'll Gain From This Powerful Candlestick Training Program Designed For You
"The Candlesticks MegaPackage" (Volumes 1-4 of the Educational Series) Training Program is the equivalent of a full four-day seminar, taking you from the beginning to an expert level in Nison Candlesticks... candlestick training the RIGHT way.

Regarded as one of the most foremost technical analysts in the world, Steve Nison’s has consulted for Fidelity, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, NYSE and NASDAQ market makers, hedge funds and money managers. His work has been highlighted in The Wall Street Journal, Worth Magazine, Institutional Investor and Barron's. Steve has also lectured at numerous universities. And he was guest speaker at the World Bank and the Federal Reserve.
Many people claim to teach candlesticks, but there is only one correct source to in the Western world: Nison Candlesticks... candlesticks the right way.
Why should you learn candlesticks from me? Because I am uniquely qualified to help you fully exploit the opportunities candlestick charts present to today's markets. As a renowned author and speaker, I have had the distinction of being the first to reveal candlesticks charts to the Western world.
Not only am I the acknowledged master of these previously secret candlestick techniques, but I'm also an expert on Western technical analysis with over 30 years real world experience.
It's Simple...You Can No Longer Afford To
Ignore Your Candlestick Education...
Not long ago a trader friend of mine told me that many years ago he didn't do anything to increase his trading knowledge because he didn't think he could afford it.
Year after year, though, he could never break through and make the kind of profits he really wanted. After a while, the roller coaster of decent wins and gut-wrenching losses began to take a toll on his health.
As most experienced traders like to say, one way or another you'll pay for a trading education. "The Candlesticks MegaPackage" is a serious investment in your trading education. But it's the kind of investment that can pay for itself almost immediately.
Just one well-placed trade using these new strategies can put you in the driver seat...
Improve your trading skills overnight
Regardless of where you are right now, even a basic candlestick education can boost your results and give you greater confidence.
Confidently go into any trading situation
Most traders fail because they don’t trust themselves and their strategies. All that changes when you add candlesticks to your knowledge base.
Make smart trading decisions almost instantly
The real value of candlesticks is they open your eyes to what is really happening on your charts. You’ll see new opportunities that other traders overlook.
Achieve your trading goals in record time
With the proven power of candlesticks, you will be able to generate profits more consistently and avoid those costly losses that can hold you back.
Train with Steve Nison, the father of candlestick charting
There’s no one else more qualified to guide your education and help you win.
You Will Literally Be In The Top 0.1%
Of Traders Worldwide
Every trader needs an advantage to win...and this is your double-barreled advantage no one else can touch!
When you're armed with these new insights and strategies, you'll have total confidence to tackle even the toughest trading'll never hesitate again because you'll instinctively know what to do...and you'll have the knowledge to cut those losing trades fast and let the winners run to capture more profits that other traders miss out on.
No one else is teaching this new information, because no one else knows about it!
So continue reading to discover exactly what I'm going to share with you...
This Program Is For EVERY Serious Trader And Investor
It doesn't matter if you're a complete beginner.
It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned candlestick trader.
This powerful training program will help you achieve amazing new heights in your trading and investing.
Here Is How This Training Will Help
Accelerate Your Trading Skills and Knowledge
Beyond What You've Ever Experienced
- The order of power for each candlestick signal so you'll know, for example, whether a hanging man is more powerful than an engulfing pattern – and how that knowledge can magnify your profits
- Finding out which candlestick patterns give you the best probability of success
- When you should actually disregard the candlestick patterns
- If it's possible to trade successfully only with candlesticks – and no other indicators
- How to logically group patterns so you'll know how to use them better in the right context
- Why "blending" candlesticks can give you greater insight into what's really happening on the chart, and how to quickly blend them on your own
- Know how to identify pattern confirmations with greater accuracy for safer, more profitable trades
- The best time periods to choose for moving averages based on testing more than 1 million moving averages
- How to avoid taking profits too early and immediately increase your gains
- Know how to let your profits run, and know what it feels like to bag those big winners!
- Avoid the common scenario of exiting a trade, seeing the market correct a little, and then watch as it continues to go higher – don't miss out on those huge profit runs again!
- Quickly recognize the best high probability trades to dramatically improve your chances of consistent winners
- How to keep a simple trading Journal, and why it will help your confidence and profit levels
- What combination of signals need to be aligned before you pull the trigger
- A search engine that automatically identifies the best candle patterns for you
- How to use candles with sectors and ETFs to broaden your ability to pick winners and generate consistent profits

An Old Dog Will Teach You New Tricks
For 30+ years I’ve been teaching traders all around the globe how to become better traders with candlesticks.
Now let me show you new ways to enhance the candle knowledge you already have. (And if you are still at the beginning level, don’t worry! This training program will start with the basics and then become your express train to the highest level of candle knowledge possible.)
Here, finally, is your opportunity to learn this new level of “world class” candlestick secrets that no one else knew existed a short time ago… including the “super-advanced” skills, know-how and techniques of…
- How to use my favorite trading rule!
- How to quickly monitor my favorite candle signal!
- How to easily calculate my favorite measuring tactic!
- How to implement the best moving averages for “golden” and “dead” crosses, and how to use them every day!
- How to use the single most important Western tool to skyrocket your success with candles!
- How to successfully use my Candlestick Screener™ every day – a technique so simple yet so powerful that it will pay for the seminar many times over!
- How to use “Blended Candles” to quickly see every group a candle signals as bullish or bearish!
That's Just A Small Taste Of What I Am Giving You...
Here are even more ways I’ll expand on the current body of candle knowledge to give you even more profit-getting advantages over your competition…
- Uncover your next move by analyzing the relative size of real bodies and shadows in the candle patterns… new technique makes it a breeze!
- New breakthroughs in Piercing Pattern recognition saves precious time… and means you don’t have to remember the in neck, on neck, and thrusting candle patterns!
- Thorough discussion of my popular Nison Trading Principles… and how you can benefit from them every single trading day!
- Not all Doji are created equal… discover this drop-dead easy way to increase the doji's “potency” as a reversal signal!
- The reason why pinpointing Tweezer tops and bottoms requires more than just the same highs or lows… and why this new knowledge will give you stronger confirmation than ever!
Ongoing educational videos thru
Nison University
To ensure ongoing knowledge, we provide many Nison U videos
- Adapting to Market Conditions...
- Trailing Stops
- Using a Trading Journal
- Trading the Cryptocurrencies
- Options Training
- Trading the News
You’ll walk away with methods and strategies that improve your trading and confidence levels thru these and all newly added sessions for lifetime access
I Have Jam Packed FOUR Full Days Of Training Into This Simple Program, So You Can Succeed With Ease...
Simple and easy for any trader or investor to quickly master, in any market and any time frame.
This online training program is available for you instantly when you register. All of the video training and your free bonuses are available inside our Candlecharts Academy so you can access on any device – computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Module 1 - The Framework of Candles
See why candles are used by the most successful traders and analysts and how candles can help you overcome your trading challenges. You will learn how Steve’s Trading Triad™ Success System will put you ahead of those who don’t use this strategy.
After detailing the basic construction of the candlestick line, Steve focuses on one of the most common and misunderstood candle signals – the Doji. Want to know if a breakout is likely to be false? Then pay special attention to the section on Spinning Tops and Doji.
Do you think candles are complicated? This is just one of the misunderstandings that are blown apart here. By the end of this module, you’ll be starting down the path to accurately read the markets’ message better and faster than ever before.
Module 2 - Essentials of Single Candle Lines
Candles have their own special message. But how do you correctly read their message?
Steve gives you the answer by showing you, step by step, how to read what the candlestick line – both the real body and shadows- is relaying about the health of the market. Using this information, you’ll see the inside secret of how to tell which way the market will break out a trading range.
Not all candle signals are equally valid, and in this module, Steve gives you a heads up on which candle signals you must be cautious about – and why. Then see how to use the visual insights of single candle lines- even those that are not specific candle patterns – to accurately gauge when the market is most likely to reverse.
Module 3 - Bull and Bear Double Candle Patterns
Do you think there are too many candlestick patterns? Then you’ll appreciate how Steve zooms in on some his favorite double candle line patterns- from both the bull and bear side.
With the help of this module, you’ll develop the confidence to quickly find and correctly use, these most important double candle line patterns to set up a trade. In this section, you’ll see how to answer the common question of “How do I know when the pattern fails?”
Module 4 - Bull and Bear TRIPLE Candle Patterns and Continuation Candles
This module completes the candles reversal patterns as Steve gives the ins and outs of the Morning and Evening Stars.
While most candle patterns are reversal indicators, there are a select group of continuation candles (in which the market continues its current trend). One of these is Steve’s all time favorite candle pattern. You will see how to take advantage of this signal, which is simple to recognize, but will be a boon to your trading prowess.
After a review of what you learned in this and the prior modules, Steve will show an example of how NOT to use candlesticks to help you avoid one of the most common, and dangerous, mistakes made by candle traders.
Module 5 - Essentials of East + West, Part 1
Do you know when to start a new trade – or when to end a trade?
To answer these questions, we need to focus on Western technicals and candles as detailed in this module. The fusion of candlesticks with Western technical indicators, at critical junctures, is one of the most important strategies you need to know to generate entry and exit points.
Trend lines – and their variations- is the first of Steve’s specific western technical tools.
You’ll be amazed at the market timing strategies you will discover with Steve’s 7 tactics using candles and trend lines.
Module 6 - Essentials of East + West, Part 2
See why volume is one of Steve’s critical Western tools as he highlights the nuances of using volume with candle charts.
Then uncover why candles and Bollinger Bands can be your one-two punch for trading success. Do you now use, or are thinking of using oscillators, such as RSI, stochastics, etc?
Then you’ll be thrilled as Steve discloses how to use 4 of the most popular oscillators as potential trade set ups, and then use candles as the trading trigger.
Module 7 - Essentials of East + West, Part 3
Steve reveals two popular Japanese tools on how to gauge if the market is overbought or oversold.
Ever wonder how you can find support or resistance after a market shoots almost straight up or falls almost vertically down? See how to do this with retracements. Then learn when moving averages – when properly used- can be another tool when used in conjunction with candle signals.
Since candles don’t provide price targets, Steve shows examples of Western price projections. He then shows how he predicted major highs and lows in the markets months before they unfolded using the synthesis of East and West.
Module 8 - Trade Management Essentials
Do you know when not to place a trade – even with a perfect candle signal?
Or when “to hold them and or fold them?” Have you asked, “I have a candlestick signal – now what?” The answers to these questions – and more – is completely dependent on the vital trade management principles revealed in this module.
Lack of these core principles is the single most common – and dangerous – misuse of candles.
Here you will learn Steve’s all time most important trade management rule and how he gets price targets. Then see how to use the short term trend to define if a candle signal is valid.
Discover the core concept of how to place your trades in the direction of the longer term trend. In the concluding section, Steve asks which of two candle patterns is the more likely reversal. The answer will shock you!
Module 9 - Advanced Doji and Price Confirmation
Steve delves deeply into new nuances with doji, including the two times you should never use a doji.
He then goes beyond his earlier and more basic resources, (where he discusses East-West confirmation) by adding another method of candle confirmation. You’ll discover the significance of this confirmation – and why it is especially important if you trade FX.
Steve then introduces you to his brand new 360° Candle Analysis™ and how it will quickly take you to the top levels of candle pattern analysis. Steve reveals his new Nison Insights analysis to ensure that you use a candle signal correctly, and with maximum success.
Module 10 - Advanced Single and Blended Candlestick Lines
Traders have been waiting a long time for this! Using his newly developed real body/shadow progression, Steve gives you the logical progression of the order of importance of single white lines from least to most bullish.
See which is the more important part of the candle line – the real body or the shadow. Then learn all the insider tactics and strategies with the “one-sided shadowed candles” of hammers and shooting stars.
Have you ever seen a double or triple group of candles signals and can’t tell if they are net bullish or bearish? Then you’ll want to use the insights of the blended candle line including a new strategy of the blended candle technique.
Think a tweezers top or bottom means the same highs to lows? See what is even more important for the tweezers.
Module 11 - Advanced Bull Double Candlestick Lines
Using his new “white real body candle progression,” Steve gives you the logical order of power from least to most bullish of the most important double candle line patterns that have white real bodies. Then, for each of these candle patterns, he applies his 360° Candle Analysis and Nison Insights to give you his ultimate insights.
Plus you’ll learn what dangers to avoid. For example, a bullish separating line (explained in this module) looks especially bullish. You’ll learn the one time you must never use this pattern.
Module 12 - Advanced Bear Double Candlestick Lines and Advanced Window
Steve goes over the bearish counterparts of the bull signals detailed in the previous module.
By using his newly developed approach to the bearish double line candle patterns called “Black Real Body Progression,” you’ll have a visual shortcut to seeing the least to most bearish double candle line patterns.
Continuing his extensive details about the psychology behind the patterns, you’ll see why these patterns work time and time again – no matter what market or timeframe you trade.
As part of the advanced windows section, Steve answers the one question that comes up time and time again about windows.
Module 13 - Advanced East + West, Part 1
In this resource, Steve not only reveals his all time favorite Western tool, but exposes how most traders use this tool incorrectly.
See Steve’s favorite measured move.
Want to know if support or resistance is likely to hold? Then pay special attention to The Candlestick Screener™, a strategy so simple, yet so powerful, that you’ll use it in just about every trading situation when the market is at support or resistance.
If we had to pick Steve’s favorite trading strategy – this is it.
Module 14 - Advanced East + West, Part 2
Do you have trouble finding the best stocks to watch?
In Nison’s Three-Step Filtering System, you will be able to zero in on the high probability stock candidates. Did you know that sectors account for 37% – 60% of an individual stocks performance?
This is why Steve brings to light how to apply top down and bottom-up sector analysis with candles. Then see how he uses candles with ETFs.
Module 15 - Advanced Trade Management
I have a candle signal – now what do I do?
Here is where you get Steve’s answer with his 6 step Trading Checklist.
Do you have the problem of letting your profits run? Then the section on trailing stops will be perfect for you. Emotions rule your trading? Then see how a trading journal will put you in charge of your emotions so you can as Steve says, “trade the market like Spock” — logically, clearly and unemotionally.
Fascinating New Insights To Expand Your Success
- Truly master candles by understanding the psychology hidden inside each pattern (Learn this and you’ll be head and shoulders above your competition)
- Steer clear of the most common – and dangerous – misuses of candles. (Keep your money safe with these gems)
- Discover two ways to precisely confirm your candle patterns for higher success rates and a huge confidence surge, yet not one in a thousand traders knows how to do this!
- Brand-new “Top-Down” approach to zero in on winning trade candidates with ETFs and sectors
- Shockingly simple “Bottom Up” method using sectors for finding whether or not your stock is as hot as you think
- Momentum traders rejoice! I’ll show you previously unknown methods to use candles to buy on strength and sell on weakness (Perfect for those who are uncomfortable picking tops and bottoms)
- The definitive guide to the exact Western indicators you really should be using with your candle analysis (Don’t be distracted with all those indicators out there… this shortcut puts you right at the head of the class)
- PLUS… The only western technical indicator that you absolutely MUST use with candles
- Easily master one of the most difficult aspects of trading – Entry and Exit points – with these exciting new strategies
- Why I love the ‘Box Range” – and why you will too when I show you this sneaky method to use it profitably
- Establish perfect “harmony” in your trades for greater success rates
- Discover three kinds of stops to protect your profits and preserve your trading capital
- Warning! Did you know that the exact same candle pattern can at times give a signal to enter a trade… and at other times a signal to exit a trade. I’ll show you the simple rule that tells you when to use it for each situation.
- 6-Step Trading Checklist – to avoid “analysis by paralysis”
- White /Black Candle Progression™ – the new simple way to logically organize the double line candle patterns
- Steve Nison’s proprietary 360° Candle Analysis™
- Strict vs. Basic pattern definitions to increase success
- Greater detail than ever before for psychology behind each pattern
- How – and why – setting up a trading journal can keep you on the path to profits… and how to do it the right way to put you at the head of the class fast!
My Drop-Dead Simple 3-Step Filtering System
Shines A Spotlight On Winning Trades
Like I said before – all of my strategies and techniques work equally well in any market.
But I’m going to teach you a 3-step system that will let you pull profits from stocks almost at will. It’s my Nison 3-Step Filtering System and it works like a charm. I’ve been testing it for quite some time… and honestly I haven’t found a situation in which it doesn’t work.
One of the biggest headaches stock traders face every day is… How to filter through thousands upon thousands of stocks to find the real gems.
Do it the wrong way and you can spend countless hours fumbling around trying to find good stock candidates. But with my Nison 3-Step Filtering System, you’ll find the best stocks in a flash.
And I’ll hand it over to you on a silver platter when you grab your copy of the Candlesticks MegaPackage training program. You’ll get step-by-step instructions that are easy enough for ANY trader to follow!

Traders Love My Training Because It Is So Clear
And Easy For Anyone To Implement...
Using candle charts has made me be a more profitable trader.
John Bollinger, CFA, CMT Creator of Bollinger Bands
The candles allow accurate, precise, earlier entries than anything else that I am aware of … it is almost like continuously ringing the cash register.
James B.
His techniques and strategies turned my trading around. It’s very simple and deadly accurate.
William C.
I have been learning on my own for about 1.5 years and … I am profitable for the first time in my trading career.
Bob B.
I'm Also Giving You These Special Bonuses To
Accelerate Your Success Even More...
Bonus #1: Advanced Trading Lab Module (Module 16)
The Advanced Candles Trading Lab Module is a one-of-a-kind training tool.
It gives you a full 45 minutes of real world chart situations full of questions such as “what do you see here” and “what would you do here.”
Then your candle charting expertise will increase again as you watch Steve explain what should be done in each of those situations.
It's a fascinating way to test your knowledge!
Available exclusively to those who order directly from
Value: $179
Bonus #2: Nison University
Your purchase also includes FREE admission to the brand-new Nison University™ for ongoing education and exclusive support. Inside Nison University you'll discover:
- Additional “Test your Knowledge Charts”
- Nison U exclusive webinars not open to the general public
- Steve’s ‘Front of the Line” secret email address to ask questions on any topic in the entire training program
- Nison U is exclusively available to those who order directly from
Value: $2,195
Bonus #3: Complete Set Of Printable Handouts
As you watch the video training, it's nice to have a set of all the printed charts Steve uses during the Training Program.
That's why we're also including a complete set of the downloadable/printable handouts that attendees at the live seminar received.
You'll be able to take notes on the charts as you watch the training videos and learn the new strategies and principles Steve shares with you.
Available exclusively to those who order directly from
Value: $297
Bonus #4: Steve's Secret Email Address
When you get access to your “Candlesticks MegaPackage – Volumes 1-4″ Training Program, you’ll also receive one of the most valuable email addresses you may ever possess.
It is my private email address from which he answers questions only from his institutional clients and a select group of students. I do NOT answer questions from the general public. And trading firms pay $1,500+ to retain my services.
This bonus is is designed to further enhance your trading knowledge and ability, and to give you the help you need to continually improve your profits.
(Value: $2,000+)
Bonus #5: Mega Companion Guide Video Modules
The video guides are a hands-on interpretation of the Mega Pack material with charts selected by Brian who was able to spot and show the applied knowledge from the Mega Pack. I aimed to highlight the important aspects that I focus on for my trading and the main points that you directed our attention to for highest importance.
(Value: $497)

Greg P.Premier financial institutions choose him to train their traders, some of whom were already the best in the industry. How often do you get a chance to train with someone at that level, especially in the trading arena?
James K.I recently completed your video workshop and I wish I was introduced to this method a year ago. It would have saved me big bucks.
Tom B.I am almost 62 and looking for a consistent way to move into retirement with supplements to what my wife and I already have. I am so jazzed by the information and wisdom imparted here that I am certain that the financial part of our retirement will be well secured and earlier than we had thought. Thank you Steve Nison!
Your Investment In This Education Is Protected With
My 30 Day Money Back Guarantee...
**See details below
I want you to see for yourself how beneficial and eye-opening this Candlesticks MegaPackage training program can be for you.
That means you can order this training today... use it as much as you want to see how it will immediately give you new skills you can use tomorrow, and give you greater confidence in your trading decisions than you have right now... literally put it through the wringer for a FULL 30 DAYS. (**See details below. Your 30-day money back guarantee period begins when you place your order.)
If you don't agree that it's everything I've promised... everything you hoped it would be... then simply return it for a refund of your purchase price. (**See details below.)
I guarantee you'll be thrilled with this one-of-a-kind candlestick training!
**A return fee of 15% of purchase will be applied if the product is returned.

I stand behind everything I teach.
You have my personal satisfaction guarantee.

Your Candlesticks MegaPackage Gives You
Instant Access To All Four Volumes Of
The Nison Candle Mastery Training Series –
The Simple System To Master Candlesticks...
Your Candlesticks MegaPackage gives you Volumes 1-4
of the Nison Candle Mastery Training Series – it's everything
you need to go from a beginner to expert with Nison Candlesticks:

Monique Marshall
Without the training, I probably would have missed the candle signals and not taken my profits. I look forward to making many more successful trades in the future.
Arnold Prince
I think Steve is excellent...he's very professional. He brings a very Socratic give and take approach, something you don't see with most of the so-called mentors out there. A lot of them are charlatans, and Steve is certainly not one of them. Steve stands above the rest, without a question.
Leslie Jouflas
I think it's extraordinary. Steve is able to present clear-cut information that is easy to put into trading ideas. There are nuances and little pieces of information that can't be presented in a book.
The Candlesticks MegaPackage Training Program Gives You:
- Instant access to all 4 volumes in our Candlecharts Academy online training center
- Bonus 1: Advanced Trading Lab Module ($179 value)
- Bonus 2: Nison University ($2,195 value)
- Bonus 3: Complete Printable Handouts ($297 value)
- Bonus 4: Steve's Secret Email Address ($2,000+ value)
- Bonus 5: Mega Companion Video Guides ($497 value)
HAVE A COUPON CODE? Click the button and enter it on the next page to lock in your coupon discount now
You are protected by our 30 day money back guarantee. ** A restocking fee of 15% of the purchase price will be applied.
Answers To Your Questions...
I have limited resources. Why is this training program a good value?
Getting in early on a single trade – or avoiding a bad trade – with the strategies presented in this video training program should more than pay for it.
Also, these are taken in crystal clear video from Steve’s rare, and sold out, live seminars, which is much more expensive. And you save all the travel costs and airline hassles.
And with the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, you risk nothing to see why so many traders worldwide rely on Steve Nison for their candlestick training. ** See details below.
There are other candlestick programs available by other educators, why should I get these?
As the first to reveal candlesticks to the Western world, Steve Nison is THE acknowledge master of candlesticks. There are a lot of so-called teachers out there who have good intentions when it comes to explaining candles. But the truth is they haven’t done the work, or done the years of research that it takes to become the expert at candles. It gets us upset when we see traders being taught false information. Because this false information is what causes many traders to lose real money. For over the past 30 years Steve has helped countless thousands of institutional and retail traders. If you’re serious about learning how to use candlestick charts, you owe it to yourself to do it the right way – with Nison Candlesticks.
Are the charts clear?
The great looking PowerPoint slides were custom designed to enhance the learning experience. We used a special camera that let us zoom in on the charts during the seminar. As such, the charts are crisply sharp. Additionally, all the charts and exhibits are included with the training program so you can easily download them and view on your computer or print them.
What is the Wow! worksheet?
The Wow! Worksheet (included with training program) has a simple but powerful purpose…to help you remember the most important and valuable strategies you learn while watching the module videos. On it, you make note of those “Wow” insights and the challenge this insight will help you overcome you get as you go through the modules.
If I own other products from can I access Nison University?
No, Nison U admission is granted only for those who buy the Candlesticks MegaPackage directly from
How do I get a copy of the charts used in the training videos?
All of the training program slides and charts are included with your purchase. If you order the online version of The Candlesticks MegaPackage, you will have the option of downloading and printing all the materials. If you order the program on DVD, you will receive all these materials printed and inserted into a handy binder.
Do you have ongoing support?
As part of Nison U you get a special front of the line insider email address to ask us any question about any topic in The Candlesticks MegaPackage training program.
If I only trade forex or options, is this program still right for me?
We also have versions of this MegaPackage for FX and option traders. Contact for details.
What if I have additional questions or want to get a customized educational training package?
Please contact Paul at