The Simple Technique Almost Everyone Gets WRONG

Discover the RIGHT WAY to use Support & Resistance in your trading and investing... and immediately add more profits to your bottom line

Support & Resistance is a fast-paced 49-minute online course that improves your trading success in all time frames and all markets

Get Started Now For Just $79

Support & Resistance lines help you pinpoint if a trend is changing direction or continuing on...

so you can make better entry and exit decisions for greater profits

Support & Resistance is a simple concept, yet most traders and investors aren't using this method correctly. Let us show you how to accurately add Support & Resistance lines to any chart. PLUS, you will discover how to use these strategies to get in and out of trades at the best times for maximum profit taking.

Let us give you these 5 ways to profit through the powerful combination of support & resistance, candles, and technical indicators...

  • Common points where the market usually stops or changes direction... a little-known way to find great entry and exit points
  • Areas of Consolidation for strong Support & Resistance confirmation
  • Innovative Moving Average Techniques to show the general trend of the market and help visualize the actual direction of the market
  • How to use Rising/Falling Windows as support and resistance... and to determine when NOT to take a trade (and more!)
  • Fibonacci Levels as an additional way to mathematically calculate possible support and resistance levels and entry/exit positions

A taste of what you will receive...

Register now for Support & Resistance and gain all this:

  • Access the training in our online Candlecharts Academy within moments
  • View it on any connected device: computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Trade smarter almost overnight with these strategies

Who should register for this training

  • Traders and investors who want to improve their confidence and success
  • Traders who can identify and use basic candle patterns…and now want additional ways to improve their trading performance
  • Those looking for high probability techniques that combine candles and technical indicators
  • Those who want powerful strategies that can be used from 5 minute charts up to monthly charts

Your instructor for this training...

Brian Houston, Nison Certified Trainer

Brian has been trading stocks for 37 years, and has devoted much of his trading career to options strategies.

During that time, he has used Steve Nison's candlestick patterns to continually improve his knowledge and skills.

Recently, Brian has has also added Elliott Wave theory to his set of trading tools.

How to get this training FREE

Members of our private trader community,, receive this and our other special topic training sessions absolutely free.

In addition to access to these special topic trainings, the also includes forums, daily updates, and many other valuable tools and services.

To learn more about, click here now. And if you choose to register for this membership site, you will receive access to this Support & Resistance training for free.

Discover how Support & Resistance shows you how to see what is truly happening with trends, and whether they are ready to change direction or continue on


Support & Resistance makes it easy to learn these methods, and you can begin in minutes

Plus as an immediate Take Action Bonus, you will also receive...

For a limited time, we will automatically upgrade your access to this training from one year of access to full lifetime access ($99 value).

No Trial and Error. No Learning Curve.
In Just A Few Moments...

No matter what you trade right now, Support & Resistance is ready and waiting to help you generate even more profits with these proven methods

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Today and Receive:

Learn to Use Support & Resistance with Skill and Precision

See Trends Change or Continue With Greater Accuracy

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Valuable for All Traders

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Bonus 1: Lifetime Access

Bonus 2: Free Downloadable Handouts

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